
Enabling the Dreams of All South Africans

The Challenge

Over the years we have witnessed an exponential growth in higher education fees prohibiting thousands of Black students’ access. This problem saw the rise of student protests like the #FeesMustFall movement that began in 2015. Since 2015, there have been various advocacy related activities by students to make higher education accessible. In the beginning of 2021, we again witnessed student protests all over the country over the following challenges:

Advisory Board


Sibu Mabena

Lasizwe Dambuza

Ayanda Mhlongo

Nkateko Dinwiddy

#R10GoesALongWay - History

How and why #R10GoesALongWay started

In March 2021, students were unable to register due to a lack of funding. The protests inspired social media celebrity, Lasizwe Dambuza and friends into action and the #R10 Goes a long Way campaign was started – first raising R38 000 between the four friends, Takkies Nkateko, Sibu Mabena, Ayanda Mhlongo.

On 13 March 2021 Sibu Mabena, Ayanda Mhlongo, Lasizwe Dambuza and Nkateko Dinwiddy deposited R38 000 into the Duma Investment FNB, Account Number: 62859284152 Cheque Account to kick start #R10GoesALongWay to help students.

The initiative went on to raise over R2 million in 5 days to help the most deserving students with registration fees, giving them access to education. FundiFund was asked to get involved to facilitate the application process, funds distribution.

Over a three-year period over 480 students were funded for their registration within the various accredited institutions to the value of R2.2million.

R 0 M

Total pledged
R 0 M

Funds Disbursed

Students Funded

No New Funds -
Appeal for donations

All You Need to Know

Application Criteria
& Process:

If you've applied for registration at a tertiary institution, and have been accepted to study further, you can apply for funding below.

Applications closed 15 JAN