Fundi recently gifted 420 learners at the Mpebe Primary School with new school back-packs. Inspired to act and do something to help children carrying their school books in heavy iron cases or old back-packs, Fundi’s team is hoping to replicate the initiative’s success in other provinces in the near future.
Despite school holidays fast approaching, many children still find themselves without proper back-packs for school. “This puts them at a significant disadvantage from the outset – as books are often easily lost, damaged or stolen,” notes Mala Suriah, Fundi’s CMO. “It also impacts confidence and self-esteem, especially for the very young ones.
Because this remains the reality for so many school children, Fundi decided to act decisively – wanting to have a direct and immediate impact. Mpebe Primary School in the village of Ga-Modimonthuse in Longdem, Limpopo was selected as a beneficiary of this staff-inspired initiative.
“Fundi’s Regional Head Mary Maponya identified the school through the Department of Education and recommended we partner with them,” says Suriah. “Our team members went to Mpebe and engaged with the learners – giving them their very own brand new school bags. The smiles on their faces spoke volumes!”
Suriah notes that even though Fundi focuses on providing financial support to learners and students across their training ecosystem, there are other elements that increase their chances of success. “Having a back-pack that makes you feel proud to go to school and helps you take care of your books and stationery is important. We’re excited to have been able to assist in some small way at Mpebe, and wish all of the school’s learners and teachers everything of the very best for the rest of the year ahead,” Suriah concludes.